2009년 9월 19일 토요일

Making Graphene 101, Ozyilmaz' Group

수작업으로 그래핀을 만드는 동영상

How Bilayer Graphene Got a Bandgap

수작업으로 nono graphe만드는 법
Synthesis of Carbon nanotube

한국의 과학자는 그래핀판을 쉽게 만들수 있도록 하고 있다.
Graphene Sheets Get Easier To Manufacture

Posted by kdawson on Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:42 AM
from the can't-be-too-thin dept.
grunaura writes
"South Korean researchers have devised a way to create graphene sheets one centimeter square using a hydrocarbon vapor on heated nickel. It's touted as being more efficient than the current process where graphene sheets are pressed, and there is evidence that 'the quality of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition is as high as mechanically cleaved graphene.' Graphene is relatively new, but not to Slashdot. This round of news highlighting the technology focuses on the bendable nature of graphene sheets, as opposed to the memory applications or capacitive properties discussed here previously. These films are the closest we have come to superconductors at room temperature."

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