2009년 11월 5일 목요일
INVERTER 만드는법(12VDC -> 100VAC,220VAC)
DC/AC inverter (2)
On this page, I will explain DC/AC invertor with center-tapless transformer.
As for the DC/AC invertor with center-tap transformer, refer to "DC/AC invertor (1)".
The invertor that I made this time uses power MOS FET as swtching device. I assum that this unit is used with the battery of car. So, the input voltage is +12V DC. The output voltage is AC 100V. However, input and output voltages aren't limited to this. You can use any voltage. They depend on the transformer to use. The wave form of the output is square wave. In my experience, it is usable with a lot of home electronics equipment. The electric power which is possible to handle is decided by the transformer to use. This time, I am using the transformer with 12V-10A(secondary side). So, it is possible to handle 120VA(about 100W).
I was asked about 220V output from some readers. The output voltage of the inverter is decided only in the transformer. You can use the transformer with 220V as for primary(input) and 12V as for secondary(output). At my circuit, primary and secondary should be used oppositely. Then, you will be able to get AC220V from DC12V.
On this page, I will explain DC/AC invertor with center-tapless transformer.
As for the DC/AC invertor with center-tap transformer, refer to "DC/AC invertor (1)".
The invertor that I made this time uses power MOS FET as swtching device. I assum that this unit is used with the battery of car. So, the input voltage is +12V DC. The output voltage is AC 100V. However, input and output voltages aren't limited to this. You can use any voltage. They depend on the transformer to use. The wave form of the output is square wave. In my experience, it is usable with a lot of home electronics equipment. The electric power which is possible to handle is decided by the transformer to use. This time, I am using the transformer with 12V-10A(secondary side). So, it is possible to handle 120VA(about 100W).
I was asked about 220V output from some readers. The output voltage of the inverter is decided only in the transformer. You can use the transformer with 220V as for primary(input) and 12V as for secondary(output). At my circuit, primary and secondary should be used oppositely. Then, you will be able to get AC220V from DC12V.
3-D Optical Fiber System Could Replace Solar Enery Panels

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3-D Optical Fiber System Could Replace Solar Enery Panels
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Zhong Lin Wang holds a prototype three-dimensional solar cell that could allow PV systems to be located away from rooftops. (Georgia Tech Photo: Gary Meek)
Converting sunlight to electricity might no longer mean large panels of photovoltaic cells atop flat surfaces like roofs.
Using zinc oxide nanostructures grown on optical fibers and coated with dye-sensitized solar cell materials, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a new type of three-dimensional photovoltaic system. The approach could allow PV systems to be hidden from view and located away from traditional locations such as rooftops.
“Using this technology, we can make photovoltaic generators that are foldable, concealed and mobile,” said Zhong Lin Wang, a Regents professor in the Georgia Tech School of Materials Science and Engineering. “Optical fiber could conduct sunlight into a building’s walls where the nanostructures would convert it to electricity. This is truly a three dimensional solar cell.”
Details of the research were published in the early view of the journal Angewandte Chemie International on October 22. The work was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the KAUST Global Research Partnership and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Dye-sensitized solar cells use a photochemical system to generate electricity. They are inexpensive to manufacture, flexible and mechanically robust, but their tradeoff for lower cost is conversion efficiency lower than that of silicon-based cells. But using nanostructure arrays to increase the surface area available to convert light could help reduce the efficiency disadvantage, while giving architects and designers new options for incorporating PV into buildings, vehicles and even military equipment.
Fabrication of the new Georgia Tech PV system begins with optical fiber of the type used by the telecommunications industry to transport data. First, the researchers remove the cladding layer, then apply a conductive coating to the surface of the fiber before seeding the surface with zinc oxide. Next, they use established solution-based techniques to grow aligned zinc oxide nanowires around the fiber much like the bristles of a bottle brush. The nanowires are then coated with the dye-sensitized materials that convert light to electricity.
Sunlight entering the optical fiber passes into the nanowires, where it interacts with the dye molecules to produce electrical current. A liquid electrolyte between the nanowires collects the electrical charges. The result is a hybrid nanowire/optical fiber system that can be up to six times as efficient as planar zinc oxide cells with the same surface area.
“In each reflection within the fiber, the light has the opportunity to interact with the nanostructures that are coated with the dye molecules,” Wang explained. “You have multiple light reflections within the fiber, and multiple reflections within the nanostructures. These interactions increase the likelihood that the light will interact with the dye molecules, and that increases the efficiency.”
Wang and his research team have reached an efficiency of 3.3 percent and hope to reach 7 to 8 percent after surface modification. While lower than silicon solar cells, this efficiency would be useful for practical energy harvesting. If they can do that, the potentially lower cost of their approach could make it attractive for many applications.
By providing a larger area for gathering light, the technique would maximize the amount of energy produced from strong sunlight, as well as generate respectable power levels even in weak light. The amount of light entering the optical fiber could be increased by using lenses to focus the incoming light, and the fiber-based solar cell has a very high saturation intensity, Wang said.
Wang believes this new structure will offer architects and product designers an alternative PV format for incorporating into other applications.
“This will really provide some new options for photovoltaic systems,” Wang said. “We could eliminate the aesthetic issues of PV arrays on building. We can also envision PV systems for providing energy to parked vehicles, and for charging mobile military equipment where traditional arrays aren’t practical or you wouldn’t want to use them.”
Wang and his research team, which includes Benjamin Weintraub and Yaguang Wei, have produced generators on optical fiber up to 20 centimeters in length. “The longer the better,” said Wang, “because longer the light can travel along the fiber, the more bounces it will make and more it will be absorbed.”
Traditional quartz optical fiber has been used so far, but Wang would like to use less expensive polymer fiber to reduce the cost. He is also considering other improvements, such as a better method for collecting the charges and a titanium oxide surface coating that could further boost efficiency.
Though it could be used for large PV systems, Wang doesn’t expect his solar cells to replace silicon devices any time soon. But he does believe they will broaden the potential applications for photovoltaic energy.
“This is a different way to gather power from the sun,” Wang said. “To meet our energy needs, we need all the approaches we can get.”
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Georgia Tech group creates 3D photovoltaic system

Georgia Tech group creates 3D photovoltaic system
Edited By Peter Wray • November 3, 2009
Dye-sensitized nanowires cover the outer surface of a optical fiber to optimize photon collection. (Credit: Angewandte Chemie International.)
What if there was a way to create a material covered with tiny three-dimensional solar collectors instead of the typical 2D flat photovoltaic systems (and in this context flexible PV sheets still count as two-dimensional)? And, what if you could “feed” these collectors with sunlight via optical fibers? Then you might be able to tuck these systems (architecturally speaking) into out-of-the-way locations or sites less obvious than rooftops.
That was some of the thinking motivating a group of researchers at Georgia Tech whose work is reported on in a new paper in Angewandte Chemie International.
The GT group figured out a way to improve upon existing dye-sensitized solar cell technology by growing nanostructures (on the optical fibers) that effectively increase the surface area of a collector. Compared to other approaches, DSSCs, generally speaking, are at a disadvantage because they relatively inefficient. On the other hand, the manufacturing costs of dye-sensitized cells are low. They also tend to be able to take more mechanical abuse.
The group grows the nanostructures by replacing in one section the outer layer of quartz optical fiber with a conductive coating. They then seed the surface with zinc oxide followed by solution-based techniques that grow aligned zinc oxide nanowires that radiate outward around the fiber. Finally, the nanowire–optical fiber is given a dye-sensitized materials coating. Groups of these nanowire-coated fibers are immersed in an electrolyte to harvest electrons. Length improves efficiency and the group has been able to make nanowire sections as long as 20 cm.
Closeup of single nanowire-coated fiber. (Credit: Georgia Tech and Gary Meek.)
According the the GT group, this internal axial illumination in this hybrid system multiplies six-fold the energy conversion efficiency of the DSSC nanowire array. “In each reflection within the fiber, the light has the opportunity to interact with the nanostructures that are coated with the dye molecules,” explains Z.L. Wang, who led the group. “You have multiple light reflections within the fiber, and multiple reflections within the nanostructures. These interactions increase the likelihood that the light will interact with the dye molecules, and that increases the efficiency.”
The team says it has reached an efficiency of 3.3 percent and think efficiencies of 7 to 8 percent are in reach if they make further modifications, such as using a better method for collecting the charges and a titanium oxide surface coating.
These efficiencies are still a long way off of current 2D PV units. But Wang says there would be several advantages to the group’s hybrid DSSC system. The already low production cost could be driven lower by using polymer fibers. The optical fibers used to feed the nanowire fibers could be placed fairly freely, providing a larger area for gathering light, and lenses could also be employed to focus the incoming light.
Another advantage is that it gives building designers new options. “This will really provide some new options for photovoltaic systems,” Wang said. “We could eliminate the aesthetic issues of PV arrays on building. We can also envision PV systems for providing energy to parked vehicles, and for charging mobile military equipment where traditional arrays aren’t practical or you wouldn’t want to use them.”
<과학> 광섬유로 태양에너지 생산
Cheaper solar cells developed at Georgia TechNovember 4, 2009by Susan Wilson
Scientists in the Georgia Tech School of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a cheaper, more efficient flexible solar cell by using fiber optics and zinc oxide. These solar cells won’t replace large silicon based solar arrays in the near future but they could change the way solar energy is collected on buildings and on the move.
Zhong Lin Wang, a Regents professor in the Georgia Tech School of Materials Science and Engineering, has been working with his research team of Benjamin Weintraub and Yaguang Wei to develop a three dimensional photovoltaic system. Their system allows solar generators to be tucked away out of sight rather than mounted on the roof.
Using this technology, we can make photovoltaic generators that are foldable, concealed and mobile,” said Zhong Lin Wang… “Optical fiber could conduct sunlight into a building’s walls where the nanostructures would convert it to electricity. This is truly a three dimensional solar cell.”
The process begins with an optic fiber like the kind used by telephone companies for transmitting information. The optic fiber is modified by eliminating the cladding layer and adding a conductive coating. Then they grow zinc oxide nanowires around the fiber. The nanowires sticking out from the fiber “like the bristles of a bottle brush,” are “then coated with the dye-sensitized materials that convert light to electricity.”
Sunlight entering the optical fiber passes into the nanowires, where it interacts with the dye molecules to produce electrical current. A liquid electrolyte between the nanowires collects the electrical charges. The result is a hybrid nanowire/optical fiber system that can be up to six times as efficient as planar zinc oxide cells with the same surface area.
Wang wants to try using a different type of optic fiber and titanium oxide to build the nanowires as ways to reduce the cost of the solar cells and improve the efficiency.
These solar cells would be cheaper and less conspicuous than the flexible solar cells being used in solar jackets, solar bags and portable solar devices, making them more affordable for the rest of us
(서울=연합뉴스) 크고 거추장스러운 태양열 집열판 대신 특수 제작된 광섬유로 태양 에너지를 값싸게 생산할 수 있는 길이 열렸다고 BBC 뉴스가 보도했다.
미국 조지아공대(GIT) 연구진은 광섬유 주위에 나노미터급 전선을 솔처럼 쌓는 방법으로 집광 면적을 최대화해 열 생산 효율을 높이는 데 성공했다고 독일의 안게반테 케미(응용화학)지 최신호에 발표했다.
연구진은 섬유의 끝 부분만 노출돼야 한다면서 끝 부분이 에너지 생산을 위해 빛을 다른 곳으로 모으는 역할을 한다고 밝혔다.
이들은 지붕 크기의 집열판 대신 이렇게 만든 작은 집열기를 지붕에 설치하고 본격적인 발전 시설은 벽 사이에 드러나지 않게 설치할 수 있을 것이라고 말했다.
연구진이 개발한 새 기술은 통신용 광섬유와 같은 시판 광섬유의 외피층을 제거하고 섬유 주위에 산화아연 나노와이어의 `숲'을 심은 뒤 그 위를 염료분자로 덮어 연료 전지의 효율을 끌어올리는 표면을 형성하는 것이다.
또한 빛은 단지 섬유의 끝 부분을 통해서만 들어와야 하기 때문에 대규모 태양 에너지 시설이라도 지붕에 작은 집열장치만 노출돼 있을 뿐 실제 발전용 물질들은 눈에 보이지 않게 설치할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.
연구진은 "광섬유는 햇빛을 건물의 벽으로 유도하고 벽에 설치된 나노구조들이 빛을 전기로 바꾸게 돼 진정한 3차원 태양전지가 된다"고 강조했다.
Scientists in the Georgia Tech School of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a cheaper, more efficient flexible solar cell by using fiber optics and zinc oxide. These solar cells won’t replace large silicon based solar arrays in the near future but they could change the way solar energy is collected on buildings and on the move.
Zhong Lin Wang, a Regents professor in the Georgia Tech School of Materials Science and Engineering, has been working with his research team of Benjamin Weintraub and Yaguang Wei to develop a three dimensional photovoltaic system. Their system allows solar generators to be tucked away out of sight rather than mounted on the roof.
Using this technology, we can make photovoltaic generators that are foldable, concealed and mobile,” said Zhong Lin Wang… “Optical fiber could conduct sunlight into a building’s walls where the nanostructures would convert it to electricity. This is truly a three dimensional solar cell.”
The process begins with an optic fiber like the kind used by telephone companies for transmitting information. The optic fiber is modified by eliminating the cladding layer and adding a conductive coating. Then they grow zinc oxide nanowires around the fiber. The nanowires sticking out from the fiber “like the bristles of a bottle brush,” are “then coated with the dye-sensitized materials that convert light to electricity.”
Sunlight entering the optical fiber passes into the nanowires, where it interacts with the dye molecules to produce electrical current. A liquid electrolyte between the nanowires collects the electrical charges. The result is a hybrid nanowire/optical fiber system that can be up to six times as efficient as planar zinc oxide cells with the same surface area.
Wang wants to try using a different type of optic fiber and titanium oxide to build the nanowires as ways to reduce the cost of the solar cells and improve the efficiency.
These solar cells would be cheaper and less conspicuous than the flexible solar cells being used in solar jackets, solar bags and portable solar devices, making them more affordable for the rest of us
(서울=연합뉴스) 크고 거추장스러운 태양열 집열판 대신 특수 제작된 광섬유로 태양 에너지를 값싸게 생산할 수 있는 길이 열렸다고 BBC 뉴스가 보도했다.
미국 조지아공대(GIT) 연구진은 광섬유 주위에 나노미터급 전선을 솔처럼 쌓는 방법으로 집광 면적을 최대화해 열 생산 효율을 높이는 데 성공했다고 독일의 안게반테 케미(응용화학)지 최신호에 발표했다.
연구진은 섬유의 끝 부분만 노출돼야 한다면서 끝 부분이 에너지 생산을 위해 빛을 다른 곳으로 모으는 역할을 한다고 밝혔다.
이들은 지붕 크기의 집열판 대신 이렇게 만든 작은 집열기를 지붕에 설치하고 본격적인 발전 시설은 벽 사이에 드러나지 않게 설치할 수 있을 것이라고 말했다.
연구진이 개발한 새 기술은 통신용 광섬유와 같은 시판 광섬유의 외피층을 제거하고 섬유 주위에 산화아연 나노와이어의 `숲'을 심은 뒤 그 위를 염료분자로 덮어 연료 전지의 효율을 끌어올리는 표면을 형성하는 것이다.
또한 빛은 단지 섬유의 끝 부분을 통해서만 들어와야 하기 때문에 대규모 태양 에너지 시설이라도 지붕에 작은 집열장치만 노출돼 있을 뿐 실제 발전용 물질들은 눈에 보이지 않게 설치할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.
연구진은 "광섬유는 햇빛을 건물의 벽으로 유도하고 벽에 설치된 나노구조들이 빛을 전기로 바꾸게 돼 진정한 3차원 태양전지가 된다"고 강조했다.
2009년 11월 1일 일요일
Inverter EVI-200

Evisol's new, state of the art traction-inverter, the EVI-200, currently under development, can control AC motors up to 200kW.
The inverter has the following properties:
- high voltage range
- powerstage based on the powerful, efficient and reliable Semikron Skiip IGBT module
- control board based on high performance automotive microcontroller
- liquid cooled power stage
- rugged design, high degree of protection
- supply voltage range 8-30 V: suitable for 12V and 24V auxiliary systems
- control via analogue, digital and CAN signals via 70 pole I/O vehicle interface
- onboard diagnosis (OBD2) via ISO 9141 or CAN
- additional diagnosis and parameter setting by means of PC/laptop via serial RS-232 interface
- flexible inverter software, capable of controling most types of AC motors/generators
- additional custom designed software modules can be integrated
Above: a 3D CAD impression of the EVI-200
Below: the real EVI-200
ThoRR Techical Information
Electric Sports Car
It is an enormous thrill to develop and actually built a high performance sports car, especially when you can use state of the art propulsion technology. Mind blowing, smooth acceleration, razor sharp cornering, scaring high speeds, perfect balanced re-generative and friction braking, who wouldn’t like to be involved in such a project.
Yet, it only has been a relatively simple project for Evisol. The real challenge has been to develop, compose and actually assemble the drive train that makes it possible to properly propel this car, fully electric.
ThoRR uses a chassis that has been inspired by the Lotus Super 7 concept. This concept stands for high performance through simplicity and light weight. Because of the absence of ABS, power assisted braking, power assisted steering, any form of sound absorption, even a roof and a windshield, only the basics of a car remain. Driving becomes a symphony composed by the drive line, the chassis, the wheels, the wind and the road. The simplicity of the car, that doesn’t even uses a gearbox, makes it possible to actually feel all the aspects of the electric drive train. Just what is needed to test the real performance of this state of the art drive train.
ThoRR Techical Information
• Type: Siemens 1PV5135WS28 3 Phase Induction Motor
• Number of Poles: 4
• Continuous Power: 67 kW – 91 hp
• Maximum Power: 200 kW – 272 hp
• Continuous Torque: 160 Nm
• Maximum Torque: 450 Nm
• RPM Range: 0 – 10.000
• Cooling: Water/Glycol
• Weight: 86 kg
• Type: Centric-AutoMotive EVI-200
• Nominal Voltage: 750 VDC
• Maximum Voltage: 900 VDC
• Maximum Output Current: 350 Arms
• Continuous Output Current: 300 Arms @ 4kHz switching frequency
• Maximum DC Input Current: 350 A
• Switching Frequency: 2-8 kHz
• Powerstage: Semikron Skiip 3 Integrated IGBT Module
• Phases: 3
• Cooling: Water/Glycol
• Weight: 24 kg
Battery System
• Cell Type: Kokam Lithium Polymer
• Nominal Cell Voltage: 3,7 VDC
• Capacity: 40 Ah
• Continuous Current: 10C
• Number of Cells: 196
• Total Battery Capacity: 29 kWh @ 100% DOD
• Cycle Life: > 1200 @ 80% DOD
• End of Specified Life: 80% of Original Capacity
• On Board Charger Type: Centric-AutoMotive EVMC-30
• Charger Output Power: 30 W
• Power Factor: > 0.99 @ 30 W output power
• Number of Chargers: 196
• Power Requirements: 3 x 1 Phase, 110 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz, > 6 kW
• Battery Management System: Cell Charging with EVMC-30. Communication with EVI-200
• Features BMS on Cell Level: SOC, SOH, Temperature, Voltage, Charge Current, Discharge Current, Cell Connections, Fault Indication, User-Interface• Battery Modules: 14 Cell Modules of 14 Cells, Max. Module Voltage < 60 VDC
• Security System: 14 Normally Open (NO) module contactors, 2 NO Main contactors, Opening of Module Contactors @ Inverter Switch Off, @ Opening of Battery Boxes, @ Crash or Roll Over
• Battery Housing: 4 Dedicated Air Cooled Boxes
• Cooling: Regulated Forced Air Cooling
• Weight battery system: 280 kg
Final drive
• Rear Wheel Drive
• Direct Drive, no gearbox
• Differential: Ford Sierra 1 : 3,92
• Type: Tubular Space Frame (60kg)
• Front: Adjustable Double Wishbone
• Rear: Adjustable Double Wishbone
• Spring / Shock Absorber: Adjustable
• Wheelbase: 2373 mm
• Front Track: 1451 mm
• Rear Track: 1472 mm
• Maximum Height: 111 cm (Roll Bar)
• Minimum Ground Clearance: 54 mm (Flat Ground Plate)
• Rack and Pinion: 2,7 turns lock to lock
Vehicle Weight
• Total Vehicle Weight: 755 kg
Wheels and Tyres
• Wheel: Aluminium Alloy 6J X 15’’
• Tyre: Toyo Proxes 195 / 50 R15
Direct Emissions
• CO2: 0 gr / km
• NOx: 0 gr / km
• Particles: 0 gr / km
• Range New European Driving Cycle: 200 km
• Range @ 120 km/h: 140 km
• Range @ 80 km/h: 230 km
Electric Sports Car
It is an enormous thrill to develop and actually built a high performance sports car, especially when you can use state of the art propulsion technology. Mind blowing, smooth acceleration, razor sharp cornering, scaring high speeds, perfect balanced re-generative and friction braking, who wouldn’t like to be involved in such a project.
Yet, it only has been a relatively simple project for Evisol. The real challenge has been to develop, compose and actually assemble the drive train that makes it possible to properly propel this car, fully electric.
ThoRR uses a chassis that has been inspired by the Lotus Super 7 concept. This concept stands for high performance through simplicity and light weight. Because of the absence of ABS, power assisted braking, power assisted steering, any form of sound absorption, even a roof and a windshield, only the basics of a car remain. Driving becomes a symphony composed by the drive line, the chassis, the wheels, the wind and the road. The simplicity of the car, that doesn’t even uses a gearbox, makes it possible to actually feel all the aspects of the electric drive train. Just what is needed to test the real performance of this state of the art drive train.
ThoRR Techical Information
• Type: Siemens 1PV5135WS28 3 Phase Induction Motor
• Number of Poles: 4
• Continuous Power: 67 kW – 91 hp
• Maximum Power: 200 kW – 272 hp
• Continuous Torque: 160 Nm
• Maximum Torque: 450 Nm
• RPM Range: 0 – 10.000
• Cooling: Water/Glycol
• Weight: 86 kg
• Type: Centric-AutoMotive EVI-200
• Nominal Voltage: 750 VDC
• Maximum Voltage: 900 VDC
• Maximum Output Current: 350 Arms
• Continuous Output Current: 300 Arms @ 4kHz switching frequency
• Maximum DC Input Current: 350 A
• Switching Frequency: 2-8 kHz
• Powerstage: Semikron Skiip 3 Integrated IGBT Module
• Phases: 3
• Cooling: Water/Glycol
• Weight: 24 kg
Battery System
• Cell Type: Kokam Lithium Polymer
• Nominal Cell Voltage: 3,7 VDC
• Capacity: 40 Ah
• Continuous Current: 10C
• Number of Cells: 196
• Total Battery Capacity: 29 kWh @ 100% DOD
• Cycle Life: > 1200 @ 80% DOD
• End of Specified Life: 80% of Original Capacity
• On Board Charger Type: Centric-AutoMotive EVMC-30
• Charger Output Power: 30 W
• Power Factor: > 0.99 @ 30 W output power
• Number of Chargers: 196
• Power Requirements: 3 x 1 Phase, 110 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz, > 6 kW
• Battery Management System: Cell Charging with EVMC-30. Communication with EVI-200
• Features BMS on Cell Level: SOC, SOH, Temperature, Voltage, Charge Current, Discharge Current, Cell Connections, Fault Indication, User-Interface• Battery Modules: 14 Cell Modules of 14 Cells, Max. Module Voltage < 60 VDC
• Security System: 14 Normally Open (NO) module contactors, 2 NO Main contactors, Opening of Module Contactors @ Inverter Switch Off, @ Opening of Battery Boxes, @ Crash or Roll Over
• Battery Housing: 4 Dedicated Air Cooled Boxes
• Cooling: Regulated Forced Air Cooling
• Weight battery system: 280 kg
Final drive
• Rear Wheel Drive
• Direct Drive, no gearbox
• Differential: Ford Sierra 1 : 3,92
• Type: Tubular Space Frame (60kg)
• Front: Adjustable Double Wishbone
• Rear: Adjustable Double Wishbone
• Spring / Shock Absorber: Adjustable
• Wheelbase: 2373 mm
• Front Track: 1451 mm
• Rear Track: 1472 mm
• Maximum Height: 111 cm (Roll Bar)
• Minimum Ground Clearance: 54 mm (Flat Ground Plate)
• Rack and Pinion: 2,7 turns lock to lock
Vehicle Weight
• Total Vehicle Weight: 755 kg
Wheels and Tyres
• Wheel: Aluminium Alloy 6J X 15’’
• Tyre: Toyo Proxes 195 / 50 R15
Direct Emissions
• CO2: 0 gr / km
• NOx: 0 gr / km
• Particles: 0 gr / km
• Range New European Driving Cycle: 200 km
• Range @ 120 km/h: 140 km
• Range @ 80 km/h: 230 km
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